Home News Feed Jason Chambers posts misinformation on Facebook to defend his opposition to DNA testing in Jamie Snow case

Jason Chambers posts misinformation on Facebook to defend his opposition to DNA testing in Jamie Snow case

Jason Chambers posts misinformation on Facebook to defend his opposition to DNA testing in Jamie Snow case
64Jason Chambers
Jason Chambers

A petition was recently launched asking McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers to allow DNA testing in the Jamie Snow case, in Illinois. The petition, which was launched by Injustice Anywhere on Change.org, has people asking the simple question: “Why not test the DNA?”

Jamie Snow was convicted in 2000, of a 1991 “cold case” murder and armed robbery of a gas station attendant in Bloomington, Illinois. Snow has proclaimed his innocence from the start and has remained hopeful that new technology can now work to prove his innocence. Unfortunately, DNA evidence continues to go untested in his case. Snow has been asking for DNA testing for years. Yet the State has used every excuse in the book NOT to test the DNA, even though not one shred of physical evidence has ever linked Snow to the crime.

Snow is being represented by the University of Chicago’s Exoneration Project, who has agreed to pay for all testing at an independent lab. If all costs are completely covered, why in the world does the McLean County State’s Attorney Office oppose the tests? Furthermore, why do they continue to use TAX PAYER DOLLARS to fight against DNA testing which will cost the State nothing and may very well lead to the truth?

Jason Chambers, has shown that he is well aware of those questioning his decisions on the Snow case, and he has taken to Facebook to state his position. On March 12, a McLean County citizen (who happens to be Facebook friends with Jason Chambers) signed and shared the Change.org petition for Snow. Chambers decided to respond – not to the petition’s organizers – but to his friend’s public post on Facebook. Read More »