Home News Feed Wrongful Conviction Community Mourns The Loss Of Joseph W Bishop

Wrongful Conviction Community Mourns The Loss Of Joseph W Bishop

Wrongful Conviction Community Mourns The Loss Of Joseph W Bishop

joe-298x202The wrongful conviction community has been left in shock with the news of Joseph W Bishop’s passing. Joe was a staunch advocate for the wrongfully convicted. He worked tirelessly to bring people together to help spread the word about causes he cared deeply about. He traveled the world to attend court hearings, conferences, congressional hearings, and various fundraisers, all in support of those he advocated for. His relentless dedication was an inspiration to all he came in contact with.

Joe lived a productive life. He worked as an engineer specializing in control systems for electric power plants. His job provided him with the opportunity to travel the world, which was something he loved to do. He visited nearly 70 countries in his lifetime, which is quite an amazing accomplishment. In retrospect, it’s wonderful to know that Joe came in contact with so many people throughout his life. He loved talking to people and was always eager to start a conversation. He was blessed with an engaging charm, giving a sense of comfort and happiness to those in his presence. He would talk to you in a crowded room as if you were the only other person there. Read More »