Home News Feed Injustice Anywhere Radio: An Interview With Death Row Exoneree Debra Milke

Injustice Anywhere Radio: An Interview With Death Row Exoneree Debra Milke

Injustice Anywhere Radio: An Interview With Death Row Exoneree Debra Milke
Debra Milke looks around the courtroom during a hearing, Monday, March 23, 2015, in Marcopa County Superior Court in Phoenix. Judge Rosa Mroz dismissed murder charges Monday against Milke without prejudice and ordered a probation officer to remove a monitoring device from her ankle. Milke, 51, spent 23 years on Arizona death row for the December 1989 murder of her four-year-old son, Christopher. (AP Photo/The Arizona Republic, Mark Henle, Pool)

spreakerad3_85Please tune in on Tuesday May 26 at 8 PM CDT, to listen to an in-depth interview with Debra Milke.

Please visit the Injustice Anywhere Radio show page to listen in. The show link will appear on the show page at 8 PM. If you do not see this week’s show link, just refresh your page and it should appear.

All shows are available on our show page archive after they air. If you miss the live broadcast, be sure to catch the podcast at your convenience.

In this episode, we will be talking with Debra Milke about the loss of her son, her wrongful incarceration, and her eventual vindication.

On Saturday, December 2, 1989, Christopher Milke, Debra Milke’s 4 year old son, was shot to death in the desert, in an area just North of Phoenix, Arizona. It was a horrible, senseless crime. Despite little to no evidence she had anything to do with Christopher’s death, Debra Milke was convicted of his murder and sentenced to death.

Debra Milke in court
Debra Milke

The only evidence against Debra was an alleged unrecorded confession to a police officer named Armando Saldate. Debra was convicted in what amounted to be a he said she said case between Debra and a police officer. Saldate would later be exposed as a dirty cop, racking up a laundry list of misconduct throughout his career.

The revelations about Saldate would eventually lead to Debra’s release, but irreparable damage had already been done. Debra Milke spent over 24 years in prison as an innocent person. Now she looks to build a new life in a world that looks nothing like it did when she entered prison over two decades ago.

Show page link: http://www.spreaker.com/user/injusticeanywhere