Home News Feed Injustice Anywhere Has A New Online Radio Station

Injustice Anywhere Has A New Online Radio Station

Injustice Anywhere Has A New Online Radio Station

spreakerInjustice Anywhere has a new online radio home on Spreaker. Please join us on Tuesday April 28 at 8 PM CDT, for our first show on the new format. Please visit our show page to listen in. All live shows will also be available on our show page archive. So if you miss the live broadcast, be sure to catch the podcast at your convenience. Be sure to tune in to our first show to hear more about our new online radio station.

In our debut episode, we will be discussing the Jamie Snow case with advocate Tammy Alexander. Jamie’s case will be back in Appellate Court on May 12. We will discuss the arguments that will be heard during the hearing and provide an overall update of the case.

Jamie Snow was wrongfully convicted in 2001 for the 1991 murder of William Little, a gas station attendant in Bloomington, Illinois. Jamie is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in Stateville prison in Joliet, Illinois.

Jamie Snow has proclaimed his innocence from day one. In the years following his conviction, new information has come to light clearly showing that police misconduct and bad lawyering sent the wrong man to prison for William Littleā€™s murder. Jamie Snow is innocent.