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Welcome to Injustice Anywhere

Injustice Anywhere is an organization working to correct wrongful convictions. We have a network of websites dedicated to bringing more attention to the worldwide wrongful conviction epidemic.

Injustice Anywhere Websites

Free Jeffrey Havard

Who are we?

Founding Members

Bruce Fischer (bio)
Executive Director

Sarah Snyder
Director of Operations

Our Advisory Board

Tammy Alexander (bio)
Advocate, co-founder of Justice for Illinois Wrongfully Convicted (JIWC)

Luca Cheli
Author, Advocate, Translator

Douglas Matthews
Global Moderator of the IA forum, Author, Advocate

Jen Fitzgerald
Attorney, Advocate

Christopher Halkides
Professor of Biochemistry

Ron Hendry
Retired Forensic Engineer

Jim Lovering
Advocate, Freelance Writer

Stu Lyster

Philip Mause
Attorney, Advocate

Steve Moore (bio)
Retired FBI Agent

Robert Owen
Financial Professional, Advocate

Michael Scadron
Retired Senior Trial Counsel with the United States Department of Justice, Advocate

Nigel Scott (bio)
Author, Advocate

Tom Zupancic (bio)
Molecular Biologist, Advocate

Former Advisory Board Members

Joseph Bishop
News: Wrongful Conviction Community Mourns The Loss Of Joseph W Bishop

Please keep in mind that members of our advisory board do not necessarily agree with every one of our featured cases. Injustice Anywhere understands that many cases are controversial. We welcome the input of our members regardless of personal opinion on guilt or innocence.

In addition to the members listed here, Injustice Anywhere also has over 1900 members on our discussion forum and over 1000 members in our Facebook group. We greatly appreciate the efforts of all involved.

How it all began

Our first mission began in early 2010 when we created Injustice in Perugia (IIP), a grassroots organization that worked to secure freedom for Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, two innocent people wrongfully convicted for murder in Perugia, Italy. Both have now been fully exonerated by the Italian Supreme Court.

Our work with IIP opened our eyes to a growing worldwide problem that continues to go mostly unnoticed by anyone not directly affected. Wrongful convictions occur all around the world. We must do more to prevent the unjust imprisonment of innocent people, and in doing so, we must focus on the the larger picture, not just the cases we see highlighted on television. If we choose to turn our backs on this epidemic,  we risk creating more victims like Clarence Elkins, Christopher Turner, and Danny Brown. Who are these people? Even though their cases were not sensational enough to get the attention of cable news programs, they were all cases of wrongful conviction, only to be corrected after each had lost many years of their lives. There are hundreds of similar cases that go mostly unnoticed, but are of no less importance than any case that happens to attract the attention of the media.

Wrongful convictions jeopardize public safety by keeping the real perpetrators on the streets to commit more crimes.

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments regarding this website please send us an email: injusticeanywhere@yahoo.com.

Injustice Anywhere Forum

We encourage you to join the discussion at the Injustice Anywhere forum.

Social Media

Please check often for updates on Facebook and Twitter.

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