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Featured Case: Jamie Snow

Featured Case: Jamie Snow

Jamie Snow was convicted in 2001 for the 1991 murder of William Little, a gas station attendant in Bloomington, Illinois. Jamie is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in Stateville prison in Joliet, Illinois.

Jamie Snow has proclaimed his innocence from day one. In the years following his conviction, new information has come to light clearly showing that police misconduct and bad lawyering sent the wrong man to prison for William Little’s murder. Jamie Snow is innocent.  Continue reading case overview →

Please visit www.FreeJamieSnow.com today. The Committee to Free Jamie Snow has done extensive research on Jamie’s case and continues to work diligently to provide a wealth of information including court documents, videos, and news reports. FreeJamieSnow.com is Jamie’s official website. The site is a vital resource for anyone interested in learning more about the injustice committed against Jamie Snow.

Please Sign our Petition Asking McLean County State’s Attorney Jason Chambers To Allow DNA Testing In The Jamie Snow Case.

Snow Files Podcast

Presented by Injustice Anywhere. A deep dive into the wrongful conviction of Jamie Snow, and how McLean County got away with it.

Unjust & Unsolved Episode 3: Jamie Snow

Truth & Justice with Rob Ruff

The Jamie Snow case was recently featured on the Truth & Justice podcast with Bob Ruff. Jamie’s case kicked off season seven of the podcast on Sunday, July 14. The Truth & Justice podcast performs independent, in-depth investigations of wrongful conviction cases, with the unique feature of using crowdsourcing, which utilizes their 100k plus followers to elicit expertise in various aspects of each case they present.

Jamie Snow Interview


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